I’m not a quizzer, just a mom whose kids have enjoyed Bible Quiz since we moved to Camp Hill, PA, in 2000. Yet Bible Quiz has really changed me, too. Since I became a Christian in 1985, I have understood the importance of prayer, reading the Bible, and attending church, but I could never really understand or practice meditating on God’s Word. What was it? Just thinking about a verse? Then one year I decided that I would memorize Scripture along with the kids for BQ. I really liked the article in the BQ newsletter written by a student who recommended reading a verse 15 times, then looking away and saying it 15 times, looking when necessary. This was to be repeated until 10 or 15 verses were learned at a time. As I did this, I started noticing words and phrases that I hadn’t noticed before, and the passages began to mean a lot more to me. I realized that I was meditating on the Word. I also noticed that verses would come to mind throughout the day as I faced different situations–especially last year when we studied James! I used to struggle to memorize one verse a week for Sunday School or a small group. If anyone had told me I could memorize a whole book of the Bible, I wouldn’t have believed it. It’s not always easy to find the time, but if we ask God to make time for us, he will be faithful to provide it. I love to have a block of time to just meditate, but I have found that memorizing/meditating while doing dishes, folding laundry, ironing, or doing other things at the same time is valuable, as well. It takes more effort to work with other things while trying to learn a passage, but it is so worth it. Thanks to all who work so hard to keep the Bible Quiz ministry going!