Welcome To Junior Bible Quiz!

Junior Bible Quiz is an Assemblies of God ministry that teaches children grades 1-6 about God’s Word. Through the use of a Fact Pak filled with questions and answers about the Bible, children study the questions and answers and compete against each other in a Jeopardy-like setting. This friendly style of quizzing motivates the children to learn the Word and hide it in their hearts for a lifetime.

Why Junior Bible Quiz?

The philosophy of Junior Bible Quiz centers on:

FACTS: The Fact-Pak is a teaching tool to help children learn and assimilate important truths about the Bible, mastering its great teachings.

FUN: JBQ de-emphasizes competition, resisting the urge to develop superstars. Children use the competition as an external motivation to learn God’s Word and show off what they know by hitting the buzzer sets at meets. Who doesn’t like hitting buzzers?

FELLOWSHIP: The wide variety of question usage, including studying with family and friends, provides a rich christian fellowship. This fellowship is broadened as the children quiz and make friends with youth from other churches.

FAITHFULNESS: JBQ is a ministry in which self-discipline and accountability are learned.

There are only three competitions during a year and weekly practices. More time is spent studying what the Scripture means in a small group environment. From the outside, it looks like just competition and trophies. From the inside, it is all about friendships and mentoring.
A Junior Bible Quiz team consists of at least two quizzers (grades 1-6 as of the beginning of the quizzing year, September 1st) and a head coach. There can be a maximum of 6 quizzers on one team. A team may also have a maximum of 2 assistant coaches as well.
Junior Bible Quizzers study a Fact-Pak. Simply, it is a box of flashcards with basic facts about our faith and a selection of unique verses for the children to memorize. It can be viewed and purchased on this site: Click Here!
No! The Fact-Pak is broken up into questions with various levels of difficulty. We recommend new quizzers to learn 10 point questions first and to work their way up to 30 point questions as the years progress. The more questions a quizzer knows, the better he or she will likely do at a meet though.
Yes, there are designated league coordinators throughout the state who are highly qualified to help you start this ministry in your church. Please contact Elisa Napierala (enapier2@mail.naz.edu) to find out who your local league coordinator is.